2. Long Lasting Flowers
If you'd like some cut flowers, then these will be one of the most long lasting ones you can choose! A week after cut they will look better than ever, and a week after that, and they’ll still be fresh. Longer than two weeks is their average vase life, making them a cut above the rest.
3. They have Special Powers
Not only are Chrysanthemums beautiful to look at and easy to care for, they also have some pretty amazing special powers. As indoor plants they can to help remove all the nasty toxins in the air, and Chrysanthemum tea is even used to relieve sore throats and headaches. A natural medicine!
4. Their Symbolism
Last but not least, we truly love Chrysanthemums because of all the glorious meanings behind them. It’s well established that they symbolise joy, happiness and a long life. We don’t think there is a flower happier than the Chrysanthemum, which in turn makes us very very happy.
If you know of any other reason why to love Chrysanthemums that should be added on our list, please leave a comment below or share your reasons on our Facebook or Twitter pages!