You will need
Seasonal flowers — we chose common marigold, clematis, gypsophilia, and limonium for summer
- Wire
- Florist’s tape
- Ribbon or string (optional)
How to make it
STEP 1: Make the wire base
Measure the circumference of your head then create a straight length of wire in a slightly smaller size. Do this by bending a long piece of wire into the desired length, so there are layers — not by cutting off separate pieces. Once you have bent the wire into the correct straight length, you can then bend the whole thing into a circle. It should fit round your head without meeting completely. We will finish the crown later with ribbon, so that you can make it fit perfectly.
STEP 2: Secure with florist tape
Wrap florist's tape round the layers of wire, to secure them in place, creating a professional finish.
STEP 3: Add the flowers

Assemble a selection of flowers —maybe they match your outfit, or perhaps you've followed our example list above. You can of course use your favourite seasonal flowers. If you love sweet peas, left, you could make a whole crown with just those blooms.
However you choose your flowers, make sure they are fresh, and the stems are sturdy. Cut the stem so there is so just 2-3cm remaining, and secure it to the wire with florist’s tape. Vary the colour and size of the flowers for impact.
STEP 4: Finish with ribbons
Finally attach a length of ribbon to each end of the wires. Place the crown on your head, and fasten the ends together in a bow. Choose ribbon to match your summer dress, or one that complements the flowers.
After more flower crown inspiration? Check out our tutorials on how to make a woodland circlet with Bloom and Wild, or celebrate summer the traditional way with this Swedish midsommar crown.