You will need:
- Small jars / lip balm sized tins
- Dried rose petals
- Essential oils
- Beeswax
- Coconut oil

How To:
Step 1. Place your beeswax and coconut oil in a bain-marie and slowly heat until melted. We can’t give exact measurements for the wax and oil as it all depends on how big your jar is and how many balms you’re making. We suggest around 60% wax and 40% coconut oil to ensure a solid balm that won’t easily melt when travelling. We also suggest adding a spoonful extra of both ingredients to the bain-marie once you’ve measured them out to allow for wastage on the side of bowls, etc.
Step 2. Once the wax has melted very carefully remove the bowl from the heat and stir in your chosen essential oils (around 20-30 drops per balm) and then the flower petals.

Step 3. Working quickly but carefully you can now transfer the melted mixture to your jars, using a spoon to make sure you get petals in each jar. The wax hardens very quickly and will begin to set the moment it touches the cool jars (and a layer will probably form on your spoon too if it’s cold). If your wax hardens in the bowl, you can easily melt it down again over the bain-marie.
Step 4. Add a few extra rose petals or even a tiny rose bud for decoration just before it completely sets and then marvel at your beautiful new perfume.

Give it a go. Sooth your dry lips with our homemade fragrance balm that tastes as good as it smells! Don't forget to share a picture of your recreation with us on Twitter
*Note: When using flowers, always make sure to use edible flowers that are specifically grown for consumption.