What you need
Wooden photo frame
Piece of window mesh
A bowl which is larger than the frame
2 pieces of felt the size of the frame
Role of white toilet paper
Pestle & mortar
How to make it

Step 1
Start by emptying the wooden photo frame: remove the glass and other filling. Stretch a piece of window mesh around the wooden frame, and hammer in the upholstery tacks. Note: make sure that the mesh is pulled as tight as possible.
Step 2
Make pulp out of half a roll of white toilet paper. You do that by tearing up sheets and collecting them in the mortar. Add a little bit of the water, and make pulp using the pestle and mortar. Put the pulp aside, and half-fill the bowl with water. Place the pulp in the bowl and stir.

Step 3
Then get to work with the sunflowers. You can actually use all the parts. Pick and tear petals from the sunflower for a yellow version, Or try making paper from the sunflower's green petals and stems. Grind them up and boil them with a tablespoon of washing soda.

Step 4
Get the frame, and make a scooping movement. It’s a good idea to shake the bowl a bit, so that the pulp spreads evenly.

Step 5
Lift the frame with your ‘almost paper’ out of the bowl, briefly allow to drain and place a piece of felt over the top. Press down firmly. Turn the paper over onto the piece of felt, and press out the last of the moisture with the other piece of felt. Leave to dry overnight between the weight of some books.

All you need to do now is find the words to write on the paper. But such beautiful handmade paper says a lot on its own, doesn’t it?