you will need
- Rope
- Sharp knife or flower scissors
- Your favourite flowers of the season, we chose:
- Allium
- Daisy
- Freesia
- Asclepias
- Yarrow
- Sanguisorba officinalis
- Amaranthus yearning desert
- Alstroemeria
how to make it
Before you start, it is important to choose a good workplace. Go for a space where you can clean all the flowers and put them down with plenty of room. It is also good to think about what kind of bouquet you want to make. Do you like sleek flowers all of equal height? Then a Biedermeier bouquet is your thing. Do you prefer a more expressive feeling? Then read on.
You can get that expressive bouquet feeling by following two rules. Firstly, choose many different types of flowers, preferably in odd numbers and secondly, choose flowers with height differences. This creates an organic whole with an effortless touch.

Now the real work begins. Start with one stem, which you hold twisted in your hand. Then lay the next stem crosswise on top of it it. Put the next stem on top again crosswise in the same direction and keep repeating this. After a few stems, you will see the shape of a fan appear. Can you manage to turn the bouquet around in your hand and shake the stems up a little? Hold the bouquet away from you for a moment. This way you can see the 'holes' that are missing in terms of colour, texture or greenery.
Finish by tying a rope around the stems so that the shape remains. Choose a matching vase, fill it with fresh water and let your work of art slide into the water. Wow, what a picture. You are a natural florist!
Let us know how your professional bouquet turned out! Show your result on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #funnyhowflowersdothat.