To make an ink pot of watercolour paint, you will need:
12 sunflowers
Empty ink pot (Dille & Kamille)
Sealable jar
Pestle & mortar

How to make it
Step 1
Pick the yellow petals off the sunflower and grind the petals up with a pestle and mortar. You can also use a grinder.

Step 2
Scatter the finely ground mixture in a sealable jar, and add the same volume of water. Leave to stand overnight.
Step 3
Pass the pulp through the sieve. You will be left with an ink pot of watercolour paint. If you want the paint to be more concentrated, boil it briefly. However, this will make the paint browner.

Now you can get to work with your brushes! For the example we used watercolour paper to which we applied various samples of the sunflower paint, as well as East India and red ink.