You Will Need:
- Florists tape
- Florists wire
- Flowers of your choice
- Scissors
- String

How To:
Step 1.
Measure your head with string or a flexible ruler and cut your florists wire to the correct size, with 2-3 inches extra (unfortunately ours came pre-cut so we twisted two together). Bring the ends together to form a circle and twist together to secure. Check the wire frame fits comfortably on your head and then secure and cover the wire ends with the florists tape.
*Tip* Florists tape is unusual because it’s only sticky once stretched a little, and sticks best to itself. So always use a generous amount and wrap it around itself several times, stretching as you go. It sounds a little tricky but you’ll get the hang of it within the first few minutes.

Step 2.
Lay your wire frame on the table and begin cutting flowers and leaves, placing them on top of the frame in the same direction to roughly plan out your flower crown design. You don’t have to do this step, but it means you can focus more on crafting your beautiful flower crown instead of having to constantly stop to cut flowers once you get going.
Get creative and really make it your own but if you're stuck for inspiration why not try a mix of chrysanthemum, gerberas, roses, combined with your favourite flower.

Step 3.
Begin taping your flowers to the wire! Cut long pieces of florists tape and use it to add several flowers one after the other instead of using individual pieces for each flower. Your crown will be stronger and the flowers will stay in place better this way. Simply add a flower, wrap several times, stretching and moving the tape gradually as you wrap, then add another flower and continue wrapping. Make sure you use lots of small flowers such as chrysanthemum and gypsophila, leaves and buds to fill the gaps between larger flowers, and to give your crown a beautiful ‘busy’ look.

Step 4.
You can place flowers all the way around the crown or leave a gap to make it easier to carry and handle without crushing the flowers. Once you’re happy with your finished crown it’s ready to model! Get snapping some selfies ASAP!
Give it a go. Share your recreations with us on Instagram.