Rituals of the past
The old rituals of sending letters makes us want to rush upstairs and dig out our old fountain pen: choosing the best writing paper, practicing your finest handwriting and then adding a personal touch with a spritz of your favourite perfume so that your crush may recognise you by its scent. This year, why not indulge in the romance of a love letter, with a contemporary floral twist.
Say it with flowers
Good presentation makes all the difference when it comes to writing heartfelt letters. Download our attractive writing paper, illustrated with a drawing of flowers (also great for everyday shopping lists and to-do lists). Once it's printed, take up your pen and pour your heart out on paper.

Enchanting scents
Smell is an extremely powerful sense. The waft of a fragrance can transport you back to the most incredible memories, and can also evoke emotions. Just think of your lover’s jumper, freshly baked bread, or the tiny bottle of fragrance you carry in your bag.
If you have a signature perfume, now's a good time to use it. Ideally, it'll be something floral, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, La Tulipe by Byredo or Dahlia Noir by Givenchy. Scents like these won't ever be out of place on your skin, and they're perfect for love letters.
The finishing touch
When it's time to post your letter, add some petals or sprigs to the envelope, in keeping with the exuberant nature of Valentine's Day. It could be traditional rose petals or a sprig of lavender, or something a little more unusual, such as the symbolic petals of the Alstroemeria or a colourful sprig of winter heather. Seal the envelope, stamp and address it, and pop it in the post box. You're away!
Post stress
We advise that you don’t sit by the letterbox waiting for a reply. It'll make you feel stressed out, and doesn't help guarantee a happy end to the story. Plus, it's just as likely you'll receive a reply via DM - or who knows, maybe you'll open the door and your crush will be standing there!
Still feeling romantic? Put your feelings into words on this beautiful stationery, or surprise your loved one with a bouquet that symbolises your love. Don't forget to buy your Valentine's bouquet at your local florist, and for a daily dose of inspiration, follow us on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.