Love me, love me not

Find out with a flower

When summer comes, the butterflies start fluttering again - in your stomach. The butterflies that you spontaneously get from an encounter with your Mister Right Now in a hot, exotic place. Or maybe they arrive during your staycation in your own back garden when you realise that that ‘friend’ is actually your ‘ideal’?

But then there’s always that doubt. Does the other person have them too? A flower offers the answer! The first petal says “He/She loves me”. The second petal says “He/She loves me not”. Pick all the petals from the flower. The final petal will tell you “He/She loves me.” Or not...

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We trust that the final petal is “He/She loves me”, of course. A romantic gesture is to send a (dried) flower with the final petal still attached, and enclose a card with the text: “He/She loves me”. Lots of love, He/She.


This game is of French origin, and is called Euffeuiller la Marguerite. You should really play it with a daisy, but it’s just as much fun to use his or her favourite flower for this game. One variant is to play the game with “He/She loves me, He/She loves me a lot”. Hopefully summer loving will ensure that the butterflies that might be snoozing for your partner are fully revived.

Love me? Love me not? Love me...