DIY sunflower seed buffet
This seed buffet is bound to attract lots of birds to your garden. You need the following:
- - Two large sunflowers (e.g. Russian Giants or Russian Mammoth)
- - A Phillips screwdriver
- - Approximately 1 metre of floral wire

How to make this sunflower seed buffet
Step 1: Allow the sunflowers to dry out thoroughly. Place them in a cool, well-ventilated room; that will prevent them from going mouldy. Leave them to dry until the heads turn brown and the backs turn yellow.
Step 2: Once your sunflowers are well-dried and discoloured, remove the heads. Make two small holes in the heart of each sunflower head using the screwdriver, some 2 to 3 cm apart.
Step 3: Place the sunflower heads back to back so that the seeds face outwards. Insert the floral wire through the two left-hand holes and bring back through the two right-hand holes. Twist the wires together and make a loop at the end of the wire so that you can hang the sunflowers up. Find a good spot - for example in a tree or on a fence - and treat the birds to a delicious meal!