Bouquet inspiration with Amaryllis

Create warmth in your home with this elegant beauty

The Amaryllis does well during the dark days of December. It stands on the table - elegant and powerful - over the holidays and steals the show during a Christmas meal. Just look at it sparkle!

Bouquet inspiration with Amaryllis

Together in a vase

The Amaryllis really doesn’t need any other flowers at all. But it does look great alongside other flowers in various styles, from exuberant to classic. You can make a simple but lovely combination with holly. Place them together in a large glass jar with a lid to create not a bouquet of flowers, but a floral artwork in your home. Naturally your florist can help you to create this bouquet.

For more inspiration using the Amaryllis take a look in the Flower Guide, Where you can find all sorts of information about the colours, shapes, origin and symbolism of the Amaryllis.