Your own work of art
Some flowers don’t need to come in a bouquet. Given them the space to create a perfect mood in your home with their own power and beauty alone. Emphasise the graphic delight by placing some sheets of paper under the vase: horizontally, diagonally and overlapping.
Opt for the colours that are echoed in the flower, and make it extra stylish with a gold leaf. Or choose a single attractive sheet that brings the flower’s colour and mysticism to life even more. You can also attach the paper enhancement to the wall behind the plant. Your own work of art can easily be created with just some sliding and cutting. And then just enjoy!
Pantone blue
Perfect botanical design items for your stylish display include Strelitzia, Anthurium and Heliconia. And if you want to be graphically hip, opt for blue - the on-trend colour - or attractive shades of purple. A single flower in that cool colour makes you feel like you’re in a house filled with luxury, peace and riches with a healthy dose of spirituality.