It’s the things you can’t have that you really, really want. Scarcity works, including in the world of flowers. The peony is widely available in May and June, but we have to live without it for the rest of the year. And that really gives us a ‘got to have it’ feeling.
Luxury look
Place a couple of peonies in a simple glass vase and it looks like you’ve missed your calling as an interior stylist. Peonies don’t need much to steal the show. With their natural allure they ooze luxury and opulence. And don't we all crave some of that from time to time?

Different every day
Powder pink, romantic white or mysterious red. With single or double flowers. A mono bouquet, or a mixture of shapes. No two peony bouquets are the same. There are so many possibilities that there’s never enough time to enjoy these beauties. We want more!
A beautiful memory
Its popularity means that the peony is a welcome guest at weddings, baby showers and other festivities. The fragrance takes you back to that special day. Its satin-soft petals remind you of the beautiful outfit you wore. Oh, the days! With peonies on the table you can hear the bells chiming again, you can taste red velvet cake in your mouth, and you can see the happy faces of loved ones around you. Butterflies in your stomach, a warm heart. Has the peony season started yet?