Important area of natural beauty
More than 1/5th of the island of Tasmania forms part of a World Heritage Site. It’s one of the last wildernesses of its kind on Earth. The landscape was designated as a protected area of natural beauty in 1982, meeting no fewer than 7 criteria - more than any other nature reserve on the planet! Naturally Australians are incredibly proud of their unique natural resource.
The grass is greener in Tasmania
Obviously you want to see the native Tasmanian devil. You might even spot a snake. But what sort of unusual plants can you discover? Trust us, you’ll find plenty to amaze you. Here’s a small selection. The nature reserve includes: a cool rainforest, eucalyptus forest, sedges, unique native conifers, the rare 43,000 year-old Kings Lomatia plant and a wide range of alpines, of which 60% only occur on Tasmania.
A hike to put on your bucket list
The Overland Track is a real bucket list experience. It’s no surprise that this six day walk features on many walkers’ list. The hike leads through all sorts of nature, from forest to mountain and from swamp to lake. You do need to be fairly well-toned, since there are very few facilities along the route and so you will often be carrying your own tent and cooking pots. But in return you do get to see an amazing profusion of plant life!