These are the essential style trends for 2019

Green inspiration, floral touches

Trends are governed by the current zeitgeist. Say what? Put simply it means that that cashmere jumper, that cool ceramic pot and your new dining table are a direct consequence of what is happening in the world, such as local and global politics, society and the environment. Together with a trendwatcher, we have formulated three style trends this year that will influence the way you look at flowers in your interior, which vases you will be buying and what roles your greenery will fulfill. Read on to discover the three style trends for 2019.

Harvesting Elements

This style trend is about sustainability and our tomorrows. We care about the planet, and this new sense of responsibility means we are making more restrained choices. The sustainability of our immediate environment, as well as that of the planet, is a recurring theme. Read more about the  Harvesting Elements style trend. 

New Frontiers

The future has arrived. This style trend is all about speed, smart and senses. How can we remain in touch with ourselves in an ever smarter environment? We're looking for a healthy balance, we need to find a new rhythm within a pace of life in which so much is decided, invented and expected on our behalf. Want to find out more? Read more about New Frontiers here.

Soft Landing

This style trend is about a soft landing. For society, but primarily in your immediate surroundings. With so much chaos in the world outside, it’s nice for everything at home to be more friendly, softer, more beautiful. A place where you can be safe and comfortable, like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Immerse yourself in the Soft Landing  style trend. 

Which style trend matches you? Share it with us on Instagram with the hashtag #funnyhowflowersdothat