The You B’OKquet Mate? campaign aims to dismantle outdated stereotypes around gender and flowers and encourage men to open up and explore different ways to support each other, sparking conversation about their mental health and strengthening social connections.
Our new research reveals a third of adults would like to see flowers for men promoted for special occasions and ‘just because’ - despite more than half admitting they have never considered buying a bunch for a male friend, family member or partner. A third of respondents agree with the notion that flowers being ‘feminine’ is an outdated stereotype whilst 44% believe a bunch of blooms is a powerful way to reconnect and communicate with loved ones.

As we emerge out of lockdown and are looking for ways to reconnect, opening up communication has become ever more important, especially for men - with a third revealing they feel their relationships with friends and colleagues have weakened since the start of the pandemic.
Symbolising mental health and wellbeing, the peonies of the bouquet radiate the message of good fortune and compassion. The delphinium represent protection - a reminder to look after those around us during these tough times whilst the bouquet’s striking palette is there to engage the senses and instantly lift moods and brighten the gloomiest of days.
At a time when supporting one another is crucial, the soft and delicate lunaria included signify honesty, symbolic here in being able to open up to each other and talk, and the dahlia stand for inner strength, both adding a delightful touch of tenderness.
The bouquets will launch from 6th July exclusively at Urban Flower Company, available to order online for London delivery for a limited time in two sizes priced £40 for the smaller version or £80 for the larger size.

Making it easier than ever before to support the mental health of others, all proceeds will be donated to the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) leading the movement against suicide.
Share your thoughts on giving men flowers on our Instagram and Facebook pages, with the hashtags #YouBOKquetmate and #funnyhowflowersdothat.
Men love flowers! Meet men who aren't afraid to share their love of florals here.