Flowers for calm and contrast
The star of this bouquet is Viburnum 'Snowball', as the soft green of its flowers lends itself excellently to a peaceful, cleansing arrangement. We also used lilies as a contrast of shape, and rose and chrysanthemum to complement the curved forms of viburnum and add soft colour.
You will need
- Viburnum
- Chrysanthemum (we used large chrysanthemums and chrysanthemum daisies)
- Lily
- Rose
Ask your local florist to make up a calming bouquet with viburnum for you, or take a DIY approach and arrange the flowers yourself.
Make sure the vase is clean and the water is fresh. Trim the stems diagonally, and add some flower food to the water if needed. An Inner Retreat bouquet looks best when the flowers are arranged with care. Create an even balance of different varieties, so that the overall effect is gentle and soothing. Make sure Viburnum 'Snowball' is prominently placed, so that you can admire the gentle curves of these soft balls of flowers.
To make the arrangement last for as long as possible, place the vase in a cool spot away from the fruit bowl or artificial heat sources like central heating.