You can run straight to your local florist and choose flowers that put you in the right mood. Choosing flowers by feel is totally fine and may work well for you, but if you want to make a grounded choice and add more meaning to your bouquet, read the information below on the meaning of flowers and colour.
the significance behind flower colours
Scientific research shows that colour affects how you feel. That's good news, because that means you can influence your mood with the right colours! Flowers in soft shades (such as pale pink and light purple) encourage caring and relaxation. Bold colours such as orange and yellow will give you a boost of cheerfulness and energy. A bouquet with many shades of green will make you feel calm and harmonious.
floral symbolism
Not only the colour, but certainly the type of flower, consciously or unconsciously, affects how you feel. You already knew that a red rose adds a touch of passion and romance. But did you know that flame lily stands for strength and success? That sweet pea symbolises gentleness? And that Anthurium symbolises beauty and elegance? Find out more about the symbolism of flowers here.

Wondering what a bouquet created based on mood looks like? We put together three bouquets that represent a certain mood. Playful, powerful or dreamy: which bouquet is your favourite and brings your feelings to life?
A combination of soft and bright colours, the diversity of shapes and the height differences make this bouquet immediately feel playful. This makes this playful bouquet perfect for those who like to take life a little less seriously or if you want to create an airy, relaxed atmosphere. It's also ideal for those with a nonchalant and playful attitude to life and who want to emphasise that playfulness.
You will need: willow catkins, Alpinia pupurata, blossom branch, snapdragon, Anthurium, rose, lilac, orchid and flame lily.

This powerful bouquet, full of colourful and eye-catching stems, steals everyone's heart. Suffering from a bad mood? The bright colours of Strelitzia and orchid will cheer you up immediately. Could your self-confidence use a boost? Flame lily radiates undeniable power. Want to light a romantic fire? One look at the red roses says it all.
Requirements: lilac, fritillaria persica, Strelitzia, Orchid, dahlia, flame lily and rose.

Soft colours, subtle scents... This bouquet is dreamy and would not look out of place on your bedside table. This bouquet is perfect if you long for peace and relaxation or want to reinforce a relaxed mood. Do you suffer from anger or excess frustration? Place this bouquet in a visible spot, take the time to really look at the flowers one by one and experience more gentleness and patience.
Requisites: limonium, sweet pea, hellebore, ranunculus and false goat's beard.

Looking for more floral inspiration this winter? Pick your new favourite seasonal flower from our classic winter blooms and learn how to package your bouquets beautifully with a flower wrap. For a daily dose of inspiration, follow us on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.