They spend £24 a week on flowers and treats to boost mental health

In today's stressful world, sometimes we all need a little treat to get us through the day. According to our research, we discovered that Millennials and Gen Z spend more on 'self-care' than any other generation, with popular self-gifts including sweets, flowers and pampering. 

Funny how flowers do that

Millennials and Gen Z spend more on 'self-care' than any other generation, spending £24 a week on treats and pampering to boost their mental health.

A poll of 2,000 adults found young generations will go out of their way to treat themselves to small goods such as flowers and plants and pampering products, such as facemasks, as often as 11 times a month or more than twice a week. 

However, the older you get, the less likely you are to spend your cash on self-care. Boomers only fork out around £10 a week, while the silent generation - those born between 1928 and 1945 - spend just over £8.

Funny how flowers do that

From our research, it also also emerged the main benefits of enjoying a self-care treat include feeling happier (66 per cent), putting a smile on their face (53 per cent) and being kinder to others (23 per cent).

Gabrielle Dullaart, a spokesperson of Funny How Flowers Do That, which commissioned the research, said: 'We all need to treat ourselves from time to time, but it's fascinating to see how this differs among different age groups.

'It’s clear that younger people really value those little pick-me-ups, which put a smile on their face. And it’s not necessarily how much you spend, as even small items can have a huge impact.

'Plus there are tangible benefits. The findings show people feel happier in themselves when they take some time out for self-care or treat themselves, so it’s got to be worthwhile.'

Funny how flowers do that

Across all age groups, the go-to treats include chocolate (55 per cent), their favourite meal (34 per cent) and ice cream (32 per cent). Flowers (19 per cent) and garden plants (18 per cent) also rank highly, as do candles (17 per cent).

An overwhelming 84 per cent claim to see a boost in their mental health following a self-care treat, leaving 39 per cent wishing they could do it more often, but a lack of money (39 per cent) and time (37 per cent) prevent them from doing so. 

The research, carried out via OnePoll, revealed it’s not just self-care people are practising. As many as 14 per cent give gifts to others every fortnight, while 12 per cent do it weekly. 

Top gifting items top items including chocolate (57 per cent) and flowers (52 per cent). Respondents loved how flowers brighten up a room (49 per cent), their vibrant colours (47 per cent) and their scent (42 per cent) that helped lift the mood. A floral arrangement makes people feel happy (40 per cent), relaxed (31 per cent) and at home (27 per cent).

Funny how flowers do that

Gabrielle added: 'Our research shows flowers are a go-to gift not only for yourself but for others as well.Those positive sensations of delight and relaxation which you feel when you see flowers can help wash away any negative emotions and help put a smile on everyone’s face.

'That positive impact stays with you beyond the immediate joy, having a halo effect on your mood and outlook. Taking the time to do something which makes you feel better can create deeper bonds in understanding yourself and others.'


  1. Chocolate
  2. My favourite meal
  3. Ice cream
  4. Books
  5. Skincare
  6. Glass of wine
  7. Haircare
  8. Flowers
  9. Garden plants
  10. Candles


  1. Chocolate
  2. Flowers
  3. Candles
  4. Their favourite meal
  5. Glass of wine
  6. Ice cream
  7. House plants
  8. Books
  9. Garden plants
  10. Skincare

More floral inspiration

Can't get enough of flowers that boost your mental health? Neither can we! Discover more about how greenery and flowers can boost your mood here. Choose your new favourite summer flower and create a playful bouquet with flowers and plants that will immediately put you in a sunny mood. Get in touch via our Facebook or Instagram using #funnyhowflowersdothat. 

Funny how flowers do that