For this floral version we’re setting edible flowers in a flavoured jelly for the first layer, then pouring creamy, vanilla bean panna cotta on top! It requires patience and a little time to make with all the setting involved (this is perhaps one to make the day before serving) but the method itself is simple and can be tackled by any nervous cook!
You Will Need:
Jelly Layer
- Edible Flowers
- Ready to mix jelly -Or-
- Gelatine leaves/vegetarian gelatine
- Sugar
- Flavouring of choice
Panna Cotta
- Single Cream
- Gelatine/vegetarian gelatine
- Sugar
- Vanilla Bean Paste
Step 1. Begin mixing up your pre packet jelly as on the instructions, or follow the instructions on the gelatine packet to prepare the leaves. Add sugar and water to a pan and slowly heat just to dissolve the sugar, then remove from the heat and add any flavourings (we used a raspberry rose flavouring) and the gelatine. We can’t give exact measurements for this recipe as it depends on the amount you’re making for your own moulds, but, as long as you use enough gelatine for a good set, (around 2 leaves for every 200ml but this varies depending on the brand you use) and don’t let the sugar mixture get hot enough to boil you should be good to go! Remember to taste to make sure it’s sweet enough, too.
Step 2. Let cool and then pour 1cm worth of jelly liquid into your mould and pop into the freezer to quickly set for 10 minutes. Don’t worry if it gets a little frosty on top, pouring over the next layer will remove that. After 10 minutes take your edible flowers and dip them into the liquid jelly then arrange them how you would like on top of the set jelly, pressing slightly so they stick to the first layer. Pop back in the freezer for 5 minutes.
Step 3. Pour over the rest of the jelly to just cover the flowers and place in the fridge to set for around 3 hours.
Step 4. Once the jelly is completely set you can begin making the panna cotta! This is a very similar process to the jelly. Soak your gelatin leaves in cold water whilst slowly warming up the cream, sugar and vanilla bean paste in a pan. (We used 20g sugar for every 200ml cream, 2 gelatine leaves and 1/4tsp of vanilla - double as necessary and adjust sweetness to taste)
Step 5. Once the cream is warm and the sugar has dissolved squeeze any water from the gelatine and stir into the cream - they should dissolve straight away. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool. The mixture must not be warm or else it will begin to melt the jelly when poured over.
Step 6. Once cool you can pour the cream over the jelly and place back into the fridge to set for 2-3 hours or overnight.
Step 7. To remove your dessert from it’s mould once set we found dunking the mould into a bowl of hot water for 5 second increments until loose really helped. Be careful not to leave the mould in the hot water too long, or let any water touch the panna cotta or the dessert will begin to melt! Place a plate over the mould and flip together so the mould is now upside down resting on the plate, if it doesn’t fall out straight away give it a tap or just leave for a little while and let gravity finish the job. And there you have it! A beautiful floral jelly and creamy panna cotta dessert to steal the show at any dinner party.
*Note: When using flowers in recipes, always make sure to use edible flowers that are specifically grown for consumption, such as Finest food specialists.
Remmber and share your yummy creations with us on Instagram.