You will need (for 12 servings)
250 grams butter
600 grams sugar
375 grams flour
250 ml buttermilk
6 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp vinegar
3 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp red food colouring
Red roses*
Red fruit
2 tubs cream cheese (of 200 grams)
350 grams white chocolate
250 grams butter

How to make it
Step 1:
Because good preparation makes all the difference. Make sure that the oven is preheated to 170°C. You can also grease three round baking tins, each with a diameter of 20 cm, and sprinkle them with flour.
Step 2:
In a large bowl, beat the 250 grams of butter (at room temperature) with the sugar until creamy. Then add the eggs individually, and mix together thoroughly. Combine the food colouring with the cocoa, and add to the mixture.
Step 3:
Add flour and buttermilk alternately, and then the vanilla and salt. When this has been done, mix the baking soda with vinegar and carefully stir it through the mixture. You don’t need to mix it in very much.
Step 4:
The mixture can now be divided between the three baking tins and baked in the oven for 25 minutes. When they’re done, leave them to cool thoroughly. Meanwhile you can get on with making the glaze.
Step 5:
Melt the white chocolate au bain marie, and leave until tepid. Beat the cream cheese in a large bowl until airy, then mix in the chocolate and butter. When the mixture has the consistency of whipped cream, you can glaze (the topping) and fill (the layers) the cake. You can also apply some glaze around the cake for a (let’s get) naked cake effect. Oh la la!
Step 6:
For a luxurious and romantic finishing touch, add the red fruit and red roses. Cover with the sweet fruit and floral petals until the cake radiates opulence. The red berries and the red roses gives your cake that romantic Christmas feeling that we all strive for at this time of year.
Tuck into this velvety sweet treat. If you notice some glaze on his/her lip, feel free to remove it with a kiss. Merry Xmas!
*One more thing: never tuck in to just any old (cut) flower or plant; only use edible flowers from specialist suppliers that have been grown for human consumption.