Bouquet recipe: carnation
Love carnations? We can understand the fascination. This modest vintage flower is available in beautiful pastel shades and shapes with a natural colour shift. Combine different varieties and colours with some mint. The end-result is a bouquet that’s almost too lovely to give away.
#ACarnationforaStar #Passed #DrivingTest

Bouquet recipe: rose
The rose is and remains a classic. No other flower has been celebrated so extensively. Increase your love for ‘the flower of love’ by binding it into a bouquet with hazel leaf, dill and eucalyptus. Choose different styles of rose in 3 or 4 shades to create a bouquet with depth. You can’t keep your eyes of it.
#Thanks #HandyAndy #Neighbour

Bouquet recipe: dahlia
Go big or go home. A dahlia bouquet certainly makes a statement. One that does justice to someone with a colourful personality and an energy level that’s off the scale. Select four outstanding dahlias and your bouquet’s finished. Big is beautiful!
#JustBecause #BecauseILoveYou #BFF

What's your favourite flower?