
Opulent trendsetter with a head for heights

Despite its slightly dangerous name, the snapdragon (Antirrhinum)is actually a very gentle character. With its long stem, opulent flowers and soft colours it adds a touch of razzle-dazzle to your rustic bouquet.

Colours and Shapes

‘Show off what you’ve got’ - that’s a phrase that suits the snapdragon down to the ground. It’s tall and blooms abundantly with clusters of flowers in white, yellow, orange, red, lilac and innumerable shades of pink. It gets its name from the shape of the flower, which resembles a dragon’s mouth that opens and closes when you squeeze the sides of the flower.


Many flowers have a symbolic meaning, which makes it even nicer to give them as a gift. The snapdragon symbolises keeping secrets. This flower is therefore the perfect gift for the one person with whom you can share your deepest secrets which they then very discreetly keep under their hat.


The snapdragon originates from south-west Europe, where it is a decorative member of the plantain family. You can now find the snapdragon at your florist in spring and early summer.