Mystical rose
The mystical rose is not just a mysterious flower that you buy from the florist: it’s a symbol of spiritual growth. The flowering of this passionate flower represents the way in which we can bloom and show our strengths and talents. To do this, it’s obviously important that we give ourselves enough sun, water and nourishment.
The bottom of the stem represents our childhood, and as we rise up the stem we pass through all the other years to the present. The petals are the talents that we possess, so start counting your petals!
Prickly thorns
You can view the thorns in two ways. They can protect you so that nobody can get too close, but they can also be a hindrance to you, stopping you from seizing this remarkable flower. The thorns also symbolise the fact that life is not always a bed of roses.
Strong stem
The rose’s strong flexible stem can take quite a lot of punishment - it is not bothered by a heavy storm, and this is symbolic of what people can endure if something bad happens, when we need to say goodbye or if we have doubts or uncertainties, we are ultimately just as resilient as the rose’s stem.
Positive energy
If you’re often bothered by other people’s negative energy, place an imaginary rose between you and the person who is draining your energy. The rose will suck everything up and neutralise the atmosphere so that they no longer bother you.